The Easiest Way To Create Beautiful Shopify
Stores That Boost Conversions And Profits!
Designed with you in mind eCom Turbo can save you over $900 a year in App Fees!
It's More Than Just A Theme...
eCom Turbo is a Shopify Theme crafted for simplicity, but it's more than just that. It's a theme that's designed specifically to trigger more conversions! eCom Turbo is a high converting theme that was created by a businessman who was obsessed with increasing sales on his own store.
eCom Turbo has helped its customers earn millions in extra revenue form there stores!
THE PROBLEM: When running a Shopify store you need a high converting store to capture as many sales as you can and drive down advertising cost. The problem is most Shopify themes are designed by companies that don't even run Shopify stores!
I was tired of using themes that just don't convert so I took matters into my own hands and created my own high converting theme from scratch! As time when on eCom Turbo got developed into the best high converting theme on the plant with apps built in and beautiful high converting features.
This isn't your typical theme designed by a software company that's never run a Shopify store themselves. We've taken the most cutting edge apps and built them into eCom Turbo to both save you money and boost conversions. The theme is used by a store owner who's doing 7 figures a year and ACTUALLY knows what converts and what doesn't. eCom Turbo was designed in a way that anyone can use it without touching ANY complicated code!
Here Are 4 Big Benefits....
Full Custom Homepage
Design the homepage to fit your store and make it look amazing! Have the ability to change your layout and even change the colours of your titles and prices to whatever colour you like!
Conversion Boosters
We spent long nights in the lab and built in specific conversion boosting theme that increate revenue on your store instantly. This simply makes you more money and saves you money on app fees!
Incredibly Fast Loading
Store loading will have a major effect on your sales. Studies show that store with a loading time of 3 seconds or more can lose up to 40% of there sales. eCom Elites was designed with super speeds in mind.
Free eCom Course & Support
Inside eCom Turbo you will have access to our membership where we have videos showing you EXACTLY how to set up the theme. We have also added in some free eCom training and free theme support forever!
Finally! Start Getting Results...
If you struggle to get sales from your Shopify Store or increase your slow sales then installing eCom Turbo is going to boost sales and save you money at the same time. They money you save on app fees you can use in your advertising campaigns or better yet keep it in your pocket!
Using eCom Turbo is going to give you an edge over the competition. You no longer have to rely on expensive clunky apps to optimize your store. This is the all in one solution you've been waiting for!
Get Instant Access to eCom Turbo now!
Andrew generated over $100,000 in 30 Days by installing eCom Turbo on his struggling Shopify store. The theme converted like crazy for him and $100k is a great achievement in 30 days!
Facebook will soon start to penalize pages that load slow, what does this mean for you? If you page load slower then you won't get shown as much in the advertising algorithm and this means higher advertising cost. You will get lower reach and ultimately this will leave you struggling to get sale let along scale your Shopify Store.
We designed eCom Turbo with ultimate simplicity and even though we packed it with apps it's designed in a way to reduce load times. We have fine tuned every aspect giving you a super quick theme that both Facebook and your customers will love.
Simple To Use Conversion Features
The Cash Boosting Upsell
Give out enticing discounts and collect leads at the same time! Fully customizable popup that's going to boost sales and leads for future promotions. This feature is a conversion boosting king! Capture those leaving customers and turn them into sales. No more coupon apps needed and you can change colors, text and whatever you want.
Built In Scarcity Timer
No more timer apps! This built in psychological trigger is going to to put even more money in your pocket. Offering something for a limited time will always boost sales. Fear of missing out becomes a great trigger that will push costumes to buy on impulse. Create scarcity and urgency without touching any code. Fully customisable, you can even change the color of the progress bar and the bar shadow!
The Cash Boosting Upsell
MASSIVE conversion booster! Collect more profit with a cart to checkout upsell popup. Studies show that visitors are more likely to buy an upsell right after the cart and right before the checkout. We increased profits by up to 25% once we switched to this on our Shopify stores. You can get really specific and offer a related product, so they want to buy a fishing rod? Offer them a fishing reel at checkout!
Custom Clean Footer
A clean theme generates more sales! We found cluttered and confusing footers are a distraction and you can lose sales. After adding a nice clean footer template we got more sales and better conversions! This is completely customizable and don't worry you can also use the standard Shopify footer.
Super Clean Call To Actions
Create beautiful completely customizable call to action buttons under your collections right on the homepage! These are MASSIVE conversion boosters. Not only that, you can customize whatever you want including the product price and title. Did you know that even a simple color or text size change can boost sales? Boost conversions like a boss with a homepage that you have full control of.
Urgency Sales Ticker
Nothing creates urgency more than a sale ticker! Show people that things are selling on your site and it will boost conversions. The fear of missing out will always increase sales. This is 100% customizable! You can change the border, colors and whatever you like.
Increase Instagram Profits
Want to know a fun fact? As part of being in an awesome Facebook group I get to personally help people out. Over 60% of the members who messaged me about failed Instagram promotions had a theme that didn't work very well on mobile! eCom Turbo is designed for Crispy Instagram profits with a sticky add to cart button.
Simple Easy Trust Badges
Upload trust badges that change site wide so you won't have to add them to your products every time! You can upload a trust bar with multiple badges or one single badge at a time. The size of the badge will determine how they sit so you have control. Trust is known to be a HUGE conversion booster and will get those visitors converting!
Profit Boosting Cart Buttons
Change the size and color of your buttons for ultimate testing! The checkout button can be customized, we have also added another button above the cart that can be toggles on and off. Get full control over your stores sales funnels and stop losing sales! Did you noticed there is also a nice little timer in the cart as well? Boost those sales!
Customize The Homepage
Create a beautiful homepage that gives you the ability to change text color and move everything around. You can change the colors of everything and you can also do it on the product pages! It's important to create a homepage that flows with your entire store so we have given you the ability to do that and BOOST CONVERSIONS!
Jeff Increased His Conversions Overnight!
Jeff spent some time installing eCom Turbo on his store and customizing it to fit his store perfectly. When he published eCom Turbo sales started to roll in! Over $1,300 and growing in a few hours after using out conversion boosting theme.
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Join Over 2,700 Happy Theme Users
I could talk about this all day...
Your Theme, I could talk about this all day but it sells itself. In Short, I spent a day setting it up and it increased my conversion overnight. One days work witch now equates to more $$$ each month
Phil Oakdon | $450,000 in Revenue
Got to say I love the theme...
Got to say I love the theme so far, it was a bit much to take in after using a free theme previously but I'm at a point where my store looks and feels better. Keep smashing it Frank
Aaron Penn | eCom Turbo User
Apps I had to pay for before is long gone...
Man you can't image how much I save monthly with this theme. The list of Apps I had to pay for before is long gone. Seriously get it guys I feel Franklin won't leave us hanging. He will def add more features into this theme. His support is top notch and I don't know frank he doesn't know me I'm just a happy customer.
Andrew Vo | $100,000 in Just 30 Days!
We understand that affordability is Important so we have officially dropped the price to become the cheapest conversion boosting Shopify theme on the planet for a LIMITED TIME only! Discount ends when the timer ends.
$97 One Time
Special Pricing Normally $147
Most Popular
$147 One Time
Special Pricing Normally $247
$127 One Time
Special Pricing Normally $197
14 Day
Satisfaction Guarantee
Right now you can purchase eCom Turbo with no risk to you. This is 100% risk free knowing you're covered by our rock solid refund policy. If you use eCom Turbo and it's not for you simply contact us and we will be happy to give you a refund. We strive to have the best customer support possible and we will always honor requested refunds as long as the reason is genuine and within our policy.
Franklin Hatchett
Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is eCom Turbo?
Will there be theme support?
Do I need to change any code?
Do I get updates with this theme?
Can I use the theme on multiple sites?
How do I install the theme?
Franklin Hatchett | eCom Turbo Founder
I've created multiple Shoopify Stores and they made sales but I had a problem... I wanted higher conversions. I created eCom Turbo from scratch and integrated the best high converting apps and features. My missions was to create a theme that boosted conversions, saved money on apps and was completely customizable.
eCom Turbo was created by a REAL Shopify Store owner and not a software company that has NO experience in running Shopify Stores.
Franklin Hatchett
Earnings and income claims made by Franklin Hatchett, eCom Elites, eCom Turbo, are only examples of your earning potential and we believe in hard work.
This theme was created to boost conversions but more importantly, give you the freedom to edit the theme without touching the code. With this editing there are limitations. You can edit pretty much anything but within moderation, what does this mean? Well if you do outrageous editing like making huge buttons or fonts it's not going to look great. In fact, it won't look good at all. So it's important to understand that although this theme is very customizable please don't be silly with it. We have tested the theme to the best of our ability and this includes being within out editing zone. What this means is we have only used this theme as it should be used and we haven't done any outrageous crazy editing. There is no guarantee that this theme will be fast on your store because we have no control over your images or the Shopify CDN however on a fresh file our theme loads at 700ms or less on our test stores. We also don't guarantee that eCom Turbo will boost your sales as we have no control over your products and traffic. When purchasing you agree to our refund policy below.
We have made every effort to make this theme badass! However, if you play with any of the code within this theme it could interrupt any features implemented in this theme, therefore, limiting our support to you. Please do not touch ANY of the code within the theme unless you know what you're doing and you understand that any code edits within the theme are your responsibility.
Copyright 2017, eCom Turbo